03/06/2019 Riloha Panel Discussion on "How does development cooperation work?"
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24/04/2019 Prof. Laura Turrini (EBS Business School), on "The impact of consolidation hubs on epidemics response supply chains"
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22/03/2019 Riloha Panel Discussion on "Hamburg's refugee integration: Successes and challenges"
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11/12/2018 Riloha Panel Discussion on "Humanitarian altruism: How to make aid effective?"
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26/10/2016 Abigail Horn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), on "Locating the Source of Large Scale Outbreaks of Foodborn Disease"
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19/10/2016 Peter Krämer (Schulen für Afrika), on "Don’t take “no” for an answer – 10 years “Schools for Africa"
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13/04/2016 Jörn Marder (Doctors without Borders), on "Logistics in Emergencies and an Ebola Project in Sierra Leone"
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02/09/2015, Prof. Susana Pereira (FGV-EAESP), on "Natural Disasters and Supply Chain Risk Management"
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15/05/2015, Prof. David Day (The University of Western Australia Business School), on "Leadership Development: An Outcome-Based Perspective"
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01/04/2015, Klaus Maurer (Hamburg Fire Department), on "United Nations Disaster and Coordination Team"
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25/03/2015, Laura Turrini (Kühne Logistics University), on "How to Fundraise for Operational Expenditures in International Humanitarian Aid?"
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25/02/2015, Adrian van der Knaap (World Food Programme), on "World Food Programme (WFP)"
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14/01/2015, Prof. David Rast (University of Sheffield), on "Leaders Bridging the Divide: Developing and Validating a Measure of Intergroup Relational Identity"
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02/09/2014, Dr. Andreas Kretschmer (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management), on "Supply Chain Management at Humanitarian Organizations: The Case of School Feeding"
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06/03/2014, Prof. Gabrielle Adams (London Business School), on "The Gifts We Give"
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13/11/2013, Alexander Blecken (United Nations Office for Project Services), on "Sustainable Procurement and the United Nations"
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11/04/2013, Dr. Suzanne van Gils (Kühne Logistics University), on "Respect Bridges Differences: How Leader Respect Moderates Relational Demography Effects in Different Gender Dyads"
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06/03/2013, Prof. Eric Kearney (GISMA Business School), on "The Future of Leadership-What Will It Look Like?"
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20/02/2013, Prof. Steffen Giessner (Erasmus University), on "The Naked Power-Understanding Nonverbal Communications of Power"
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13/02/2013, Prof. Stefan Bock (University of Paderborn), on "A Pro-Active Real-Rime Control Approach for Urgent Deliveries"
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